Friday, April 24, 2015

Wedding Bells

  It has been AWHILE since my last post! Believe me, a lot of crafting has happened in between!
We have been Oh-so busy with upcoming wedding planning! It is all very exciting and coming very quickly! We chose to have a simple wedding, with plenty of DIY goodness. My mom and I have been crafting away creating wedding decor left and right. A couple things that have been really cool to create are centerpiece bowls and a chandelier. That's right, I -made- a chandelier. It was so easy and SO fun! I looked on Pinterest for some ideas on chandeliers, buying one was definitely out of the question... talk about pricey. I found one woman's post about going and just buying strands of crystals and something to hang it from and just going town.

Here is the link to my inspiration:

So, needless to say I took a trip to Michael's and spent way too much money, as one does when they take a trip to Michael's. I ended up buying two strands of 12 ft, faux crystal garland and about 10 or so little strands of crystals from the beading section. To hang my creation, I just bought a simple, flat, wooden ring. I found that in the floral department, it was like 3 bucks, compared to a 12 dollar fancy hanger thing.I made this thing in one whole sitting, once I start a project sometimes I just can't put it down! 

The supplies I used:
-2, 12ft beaded garland
-Fishing line to string beads
- Strands of beading crystals (pick any you like)
- One medium wooden ring with pre-drilled holes
-Ribbon and lace edging for finishing touches

The tools I used:
-Glue gun
-Beading pliers
You can totally make this!

It is very pretty in the light.
I painted my wooden ring white, added lace for some depth, and used coral ribbon to suspend it. This wooden ring also had pre-drilled holes in it which was a great help. I'll tell you a secret, I used white paperclips to suspend each bead rung and just closed them around the wooden ring.

Here's the chandelier pre- ribbon and lace. I used fishing line to string the beads together. Using some simple knots and looping I created the individual hanging strands, simple beading. I was SO glad I bought the two 12ft strands, I used them as the skeleton for the chandelier. These strands also had metal rings I ended up using to create the shape of the chandelier by connecting the strands at certain points in the chain. All in all, I did not use very many tools to create this: beading pliers, hot glue gun, scissors, and paperclips! 
*I just noticed you can see the orbs I have been making using balloons, burlap twine, and modge podge. They are so neat!*
Here I began threading the ribbon in to hang my creation.

I used the holes on the underside to create a stable, even-weighted hold for the chandelier so it would hang flat in the air. One challenge was getting the center strand to hang evenly, I remedied this with metal rings to hold it in place. Notice it is still pre-lace. I originally wasn't going to add lace but after looking at it I felt it was a little flat, lacking depth. Luckily! I just happened to have some lace from the table runners I am making! 
*You can see my white paperclips in this picture*

What a difference a little lace can make!
I had to use a ladder to work over top of the chandelier, I worked on it suspended to ensure it would look right. I think it turned out very well and I am super excited to display it at my wedding!

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